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  • Writer's pictureISMIRI London

Welcome to our first blog!

Beauty begins from the heart.

Believing in something positively, even before you try, is very powerful.

In your heart, if you already believe that natural & organic cosmetics are potent, there is the magic!

No doubt, when you find the right natural & organic products formulated just for your skin condition, wonders happen!

Great results come your way only when you use products properly, strictly and carefully adhering to giving instructions on the products and allowing enough time for results to occur, because there are no such things as miracle or magic.

Many times, I've heard people say to me, I can tell within a day if a product works or not. And my answer is like: how is that possible? It takes good 4 - 8 weeks or sometimes longer, with consistency, to notice any visible result.

Therefore, when using natural & organic products, zero your mind, prepare yourself for the discovery journey, put in enough times required, and rip the rewards.

Before embarking on this journey, perform a patch test for any allergy / irritations, if any negative allergic reaction happens, discontinue products immediately for safety.

I hope you enjoyed my little introductory beauty post.

This is just a little note to welcome you to our blog post.

Keep beautiful and love yourself best.

Stay tuned!


Luchia Best

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